Detox Recipe



black coffee / tea 

1 grapefruit 

1 slice toast 

2 tsp peanut butter 


black coffee / tea 

100 gm tuna in water 

1 slice toast 


1 slice of cold meat chicken/turkey 

1 cup long bean 

100 gm beetroot 

1 small apple 

100 gm ice-cream

DAY 2 


black coffee / tea 

1 egg boiled/poached 

1 slice toast 

half a mid-size banana 


black coffee / tea 

100 gm cottage cheese 

5 pieces of Ritz biscuits (plain)


2 chicken frankfurters 

100 gm broccoli 

50 gm carrots 

Half a mid-size banana 

100 gm ice-cream

DAY 3 


black coffee / tea 

1 egg hard boiled 

1 slice toast 


black coffee / tea 

1 slice cheddar cheese 

5 pieces of Ritz biscuits (plain)

1 small apple 


100 gm tuna (in water) 

100 gm beetroot 

100 gm cauliflower 

Half melon (rock/honeydew) 

100 gm ice-cream


Toast has to be dry - no butter or margarine; tuna, string beans and beetroot can be frozen.

Ice-cream has to be vanilla.

Black tea/coffee must be without sugar.

This diet works on a chemical breakdown and is proven. DO NOT VARY or SUBSTITUTE any of the above foods. salt and pepper to be used and not other seasonings. Where no quantity is given there are no restrictions other than common sense. 

This diet is to be used for 3 days at a time. In the 3 days, you will lose 10lb(4.5kg) after 3 days if dieting you can eat normally. But remember NOT TO OVERDO IT! You will lose up to 40lb(18kg) in a month if you stick to it. 

Below are the images of some the items to help make sourcing them a little easier. These items can be found in places such as Woolworth, Coles, Aldi etc.

Cottage Cheese

detox recipe

Cold Meat (Chicken/Turkey)

Chicken Frankfurters

Canned Tuna in Brine