
Relationship Break Up

I was really worried about my daughter who was having a hard time through a relationship break up. It was really beyond what I could do as a mother. During that period she was really depressed. Other than going to work, she was crying most of the time and not eating well. She was stressed by her job and was also having anxiety issues about her future as she was really lost.

I recalled hearing about Winnie's work hence I sought her help. It cannot be happier when I see my daughter healed after the hypnosis sessions, and become happier again. She has also found her career path coaching with Winnie. 

Having a clarified her career path, she has become more focused and less stressful. As for the family, we are so glad to have her normal self back. 

I am very grateful to have Winnie's help. I can't imagine what would my daughter need to go through without Winnie's support and the therapy sessions. 

I would recommend Winnie to anyone who needs to seek clarity in life and also those who have emotional issues.

K.S ,Full-Time Mother, Malaysia

Slacking in School & Anger Management Issues

My 13 year old son was not doing well in school, often gets detention and has anger management issues. After 3 months of coaching with Winnie, his school result improves, learned how to take responsibility, more gentle and loving. He no longer gets detention since, and more motivated to do well in school. Deals with his emotion better, no longer smashes things when he gets angry. He also able to stop himself from getting into greater arguments, we both have learned not to talk till we are calm. I am very grateful to Winnie for her undying effort in coaching my son. She gives her best to every of her students and has special way of motivating them. I am grateful and would strongly recommend her to anyone who are struggling with a low motivation, uninspired child.

S.J, Mother & Business Owner, VIC Australia

Online Addiction

Albert's teacher had said that his study attitude has improved when compared to the previous term. His exam results have improved too. Thank you so much. I will continue to work on time management with him following your suggestions. 

N.T, Mother and Retail Manager, VIC Australia

Lost of Direction, Motivation in School

Thank you Winnie and Epic Intellect for helping me through my high school. I was depressed and reluctant to go to you guys when my guardian signed up for the coaching and tutoring sessions. But I soon find that John and yourself are very caring and the sessions were fun. Through the 3 years of sessions with Epic Intellect I have learned a lot, not just about my school subjects but more also life skills. I am grateful for your help that I score 96.65 ATAR.

J.F, Student, VIC Australia

Emotional Block - Shock

I noticed that my body had swelled up one morning, in shock I went to the doctor. The tests showed nothing abnormal, except my liver wasn’t very healthy. I was really worried about my condition but the doctors don't seem to have any answers to the cause.

In the session we discovered I was had some trapped emotions caused by the shock of seeing how frail and near to death my friend was, in the final stages of cancer. I also felt really helpless and sad to see her friend in such pain.

The water retention issue improved significantly just after one hypnosis session with Winnie Peng. The blood test two days after our session showed that the liver was now back to normal.

I would recommend Winnie to anyone who has wish to heal from any emotional issues and become a happier person in life.

Nancy.O, Malaysia


Gerald now recalls sooner, whenever he leaves behind any items. Previously he wasn't even aware. He only notices that he had forgotten to take any items only when he needed them, but could NOT remember where he left them. He lost his mobile phone, house keys and the list goes on. He has improved! I am very glad. Thank you Epic Intellect.👍😄 

J.T, Mother & Accountant, VIC Australia

Lack of Motivation in School

I know I need to prioritise my study. I can see the importance of learning now. And I have found what I want to do in future. Winnie and I are working on a project together to help me build the necessary skills. 

A.F, Student, VIC Australia

Lack of Confidence & Cyberbully

Having been cyber bullied by a classmate for 3 months, I was feeling extremely low, sad and avoiding school. After 4 Sub-Conscious Reprogramming sessions, I feel more relaxed, happier. I can now face Mondays with a smile. Thank you John & Winnie & Epic Intellect. 

E.B, Student, VIC Australia

Lack of Motivation in School

The things that I learned from these coaching sessions are so helpful, and I wish my friend can be here too. But unfortunately, parents only think of sending us academic subject tuitions.

A.S, Student, VIC Australia

Lost of Direction & Relationship Issues

I'm feeling a lot better than I use to self-esteem wise and I have actual hope for the future now.

J.Y, Student, VIC Australia

Eye Spasm

Frequency of blinking reduced remarkably just after one session

Jon.F, Student VIC Australia

Body Posture Issue

I have becoming more aware of my body posture, and actually has improved a lot. Winnie is amazing, kind, caring

Eve H, Student, WA Australia

Binge Eating Issue

Found the root reason. I’m calmer and I feel way better. Winnie understands my background too! She knows that my religion is important to me, and she works around it 🙂 appreciate it! 

J.S, Student, Indonesia

Parenting Issues

I am more willing to let go and therefore able to respond to my son in a loving, kinder way that allows him to engage back to me. I am a single parent and my son 5 yo is starting to question living in 2 houses and find it difficult adjusting to with 2 different parenting styles (who wouldn't?). My latest session with Winnie reminds me to return to focusing on calming myself and to let go and to experiment outside what I think I should do. The result is that, although things feels strange because it was not a normal discipline that I am used to, I feel my household is more peaceful, my son engage back to me and listen more and being more cooperative. I feel by being tolerant to my son's antiques, he in return feel he is being listened to and being comforted and loved by being himself. I am learning to trust my instinct and my son more.

I.J, Mother & Business Strategist, VIC Australia

Relationship Issues

I felt a clear improvement in my everyday wellbeing after attending the therapy session. I used to experience an ongoing sense of unease and discomfort, especially towards a particular relationship in my life that I felt was holding me back from moving forward in my everyday endeavours. But these difficult feelings subsided significantly after a session with Winnie. I've since become far more productive and focussed in my work, approaching many of my commitments with far less resistance, as well as greater ease. 

Winnie was calm, sincere and extremely patient throughout the entire process. She guides gently and without any judgment, but with a firm hand, so that one feels safe but also thoroughly addressed in the issues that are brought to the session.

J.C, Performing Art Researcher, Singapore

Unexplained Knee Pain and Anxiety

My knee has significantly reduced. I can now fulfill my dream of travelling. I no longer fear not able to visit places and in fact I have visited place I have always dreamt of end of last year. I am also able to cope with anxiety better and I feel more at ease with myself. The therapist is sensitive towards my needs.

E.T, Manager, Singapore

Relationship Issues

I find peace again. I finally understood why I can't let go of him. Thank you so much Winnie.

A.C, Data Security Specialist, Singapore

Confidence and Self-Esteem Issues

Just a week after the session, I feel more confident and comfortable to behave as I really want to do. It is really difficult to describe because you can truly feel the power only by participating in by yourself. Feeling is believing!

L.W, Educator, China

Confidence and Self-Esteem Issues

The session yesterday helped and made a difference. I noticed I am feeling more motivated in doing things today. Thank you for your time and care 💕.In some ways, it reminded me that I still have a plan and I have yet to reach my final goal yet. And that, while the nightmares with my mom went on for longer than I wished it to be, it is slowly coming to an end. We are closer to each other now so I should be grateful for everything I have. You helped me see and discover things differently and reminded me of the teachings I’ve buried away in myself ❤

P.C, Engineer, United States

Confidence Issues and Unexplained Leg Swell Issues

Hi Winnie - serendipity. I was thinking of you this am!!! Going well. Been doing the sales calls and really enjoying them. Well the rapport part of it not so much the sell bit but getting better. Haven't got any practice coach clients yet but working on it. Legs were much less swollen after our last session and was able to so much more. I am having gradual improve meant with hands and feet. 

R.M, Coach, NSW Australia

Unable to Meditate


May.C, Singapore

Depression and Anxiety

The coaching sessions helped discover and tackle some of the causes behind my negativity and depression. The coaching sessions then helped to develop exercise to combat these causes and to a create healthier mindset. I have built up more resilience to maintain a positive outlook on life and hence reduce the number and duration of depressive episodes. Also I have been able to rediscover a joy for life that has been missing for a long long time. by changing the dialogue running thru their head or learn to deal with negative thoughts and emotions.

S.D, Project Manager, VIC Australia

Amnesia (Sleep Issue)

Was able to sleep for one whole stretch at night for once since coming back... I wonder how hypnotherapy is so effective. Been waking up at 2+ and 4+ and last night was the first time I didn’t wake up at those times and only got up at 7+ haha

Her issue in her own words, "I’m worried about my sleeping pattern or non pattern since I gotten back . I cannot fall asleep till 2 am and then I wake up at 4am the on and off on the sofa"

May.C, Sales Manager, Singapore